Appellate Practice

The number of challenges to zoning and historic preservation decisions has increased significantly in the past decade, delaying projects that could otherwise add vibrancy to the District, new housing, retail and services, and other community enhancements. Carolyn Brown has successfully argued many cases before the D.C. Court of Appeals and enjoys developing well-crafted briefs and precision arguments to defend agency decisions. Most recently, she joined with the District to successfully defend the order of the Mayor’s Agent for Historic Preservation for redevelopment of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site. (Friends of McMillan Park v. Mayor’s Agent for Historic Preservation, 207 A.3d 1155 (D.C. 2019)). She also represents property owners and developers before the D.C. Office of Administrative Hearings on building permit matters and infraction notices. The Brown Law Firm is an experienced and cost-effective alternative to large law firm litigation practices.

Contact The Brown Law Firm for additional information or to request a consultation.